Liban Abdi Kasim is 10 years old student in Fargaduudo School at Zona K IDP settlement in Hodan District Mogadishu

Sunday October 08, 2023 - 12:30:54 in News & Stories by Super Admin
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    Liban Abdi Kasim is 10 years old student in Fargaduudo School at Zona K IDP settlement in Hodan District Mogadishu

    Liban lives with his family, he is the second youngest child of a family with eight children, 5 boys and 3 girls; his family moved from Qoryoley district in Lower Shebelle region due to insecurity.

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Liban lives with his family, he is the second youngest child of a family with eight children, 5 boys and 3 girls; his family moved from Qoryoley district in Lower Shebelle region due to insecurity.
Liban Abdi Kasim is 10 years old student in Fargaduudo School at Zona K IDP settlement in Hodan District Mogadishu; he is in Standard three of morning shift class.

Liban lives with his family, he is the second youngest child of a family with eight children, 5 boys and 3 girls; his family moved from Qoryoley district in Lower Shebelle region due to insecurity. 

After that in 2020 his family moved to Mogadishu, and settled in Fargaduudo IDP camp at Zona K where they arranged makeshift huts. 

Liban is an orphan, his father accidentally died in 2016 car accident; but his mother maintains the families ration after she formed microfinance income generation selling snacks and ice cream around her house, but cannot afford to pay school fees. The family is very poor.

SCC established Emergency Education schools in IDP settlements in Banadir region in 2019, which was supported by UNICEF but after some time the schools stopped due to fund lack. But fortunately, In November 2018 CHF/NRC refunded these closed schools, giving incentives to the teachers of the closed schools. About 201 students in Zona K benefitted this project.

Liban is one of the beneficiaries of the new CHF/NRC project which started in November 2019. He has been learning Fargaduudo School since the start of the project; He goes to school early morning, but after mid-day he starts to search his daily food polishing shoes for the people, this does not hinder his education as Liban says. CHF project completed in July 2015 but the school is functional and the teachers are working voluntarily.

Talking about his feelings Liban said that he benefitted from the school more knowledge. "SCC teachers and CEC member first encouraged me to start education in this school near to my home and I accepted” "Without this assistance it would not be possible for me to go to school, I would be street boys, but now I work for myself just searching food but the school is free of charge” he said. "The subject I like most is Math he added”

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