Our Accountability Effort

The need to take worthwhile activities to enhance the lives of the most vulnerable individuals is a component of social accountability. 

At the same time, social accountability is a commitment to provide an account of those actions to the various stakeholders.

SCC recognizes that accountability to all community partners is vital for democratic and participatory development.

One of this website’s objectives is to support SCC’s accountability towards all its partners and communities involved in its programmes. To this extent, the following features and activities have been designed:

  • Stories from Somalia
The section of the website provides regular updates on all the activities (and needs) at the location level, including pictures and visual documentation of SCC’s interventions.

  • Feedback
A space intended to address feedback, complaints, critiques, expectations, or inputs directly to SCC

  • Socials
To follow us also on our channels -Facebook and Twitter

  • Meetings and joint monitoring visits
With stakeholders and authorities, we conduct local meetings designed to allow those people who do not have computer literacy or internet access to be informed of SCC’s activities and submit their comments and suggestions. 

Hard copies of the feedback form can be found and filled in every SCC's field office.