
The goal of SCC's education program in Somalia has been to assist local governments, service providers, and communities in ensuring that both girls and boys enroll in and remain in school and that they graduate with the skills necessary to end their cycle of dependency and poverty. The projects work with primary, secondary, TVET (Technical Vocational Education Training), and family life education centers, giving vulnerable, orphaned, and disabled girls additional attention. To strengthen systems, processes, and human resources for efficient service delivery, we work to increase inclusive access to and completion of education for learners at all levels. Our educational initiatives are focused on the development of fundamental skills, practical adult learning, vocational education and rehabilitation, and the establishment and reactivation of primary education. We strive to address the social, economic, and cultural barriers to education, especially barriers to girls’ education. These are highlighted in the mobilization campaigns and teacher training where gender-responsive teaching is incorporated in the training materials. 

In addition, gender-responsive facilities have been built into all construction and rehabilitation activities, ensuring privacy for girls through proper location and separate latrines for girls and boys. The school feeding program has given a new lease of life to hundreds of children who receive a warm, healthy meal each day – sometimes the only food they will get in a day.

  • Construction and rehabilitation of classrooms and latrines
  • Provision of educational materials to schools to enhance the quality of teaching and learning
  • Training of teachers on child-centred methodologies
  • Disbursement of scholarships to needy students
  • Payment of monthly incentives to teachers and Headteachers
  • Provision of water storage tanks to schools
  • Provision of safe drinking water to schools
  • Supporting schools’ improvement with microgrants
  • Training of Community Education Committees
  • School feeding
  • Support to school costs, including exam fees, uniforms, solar lamps, and sanitary kits.
  • Supporting girls’ and boys’ leadership networks.
  • Preventing violence and engaging girls and boys in building safer communities.
  • Development of action plans to improve sustainability and impact.



143,567 Lives

In the last three years, our EDUCATION sector has impacted 143,567 lives through our education programming geared towards basic education development, functional adult learning, vocational education and rehabilitation, construction and reactivation of primary education, and provision of emergency education services for crisis contexts.